Friday, August 17, 2012

Steve Jobs' stolen iPad unwittingly used by local clown after burglary

What would you do if you had Steve Jobs’ iPad? Kenny the Clown, who had the late Apple co-founder’s tablet all to himself for a few days this month, didn’t play any games, surf the net or check for any top-secret corporate documents.
San Jose Mercury News Most Viewed

Hantavirus kills Alameda County man, sickens woman, possibly after contact with mouse droppings in Yosemite

Yosemite has increased its cleaning of rooms and cabins because Curry Village may have been site of exposure.
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Thursday, August 16, 2012

Hicks: Rocker Dave Mustaine says Obama behind mass shootings

Former Metallica guitarist, now frontman for the band Megadeth, tells concert audience Obama responsible for Colorado massacre, Sikh temple killings — he claims it’s part of a plot to enact a gun ban.
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Apple-Samsung patent trial live blog: Samsung expert says Apple damages overstated

Join Mercury News staff writer Howard Mintz as the Apple-Samsung patent trial resumes in San Jose federal court Thursday morning, as an expert for Samsung says Apple overstated Samsung’s profit margins for mobile phones and tablets. Samsung attorneys are expected to wrap up their case in the afternoon.
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Los Gatos mother vows to keep promise to slain son

A year after her abusive husband killed their son and himself, Los Gatos mom Carmen Daou reveals details of her family’s ordeal in hopes of preventing other domestic combat zone situations from turning deadly.
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The Perfect Modern Country Coat!?

On The Apprentice a couple of years ago, there was a contestant named Liz. I was outraged when she didn’t win. It wasn’t a matter of qualifications, looks or personality. Dang it, even her flawless CV didn’t swing it for me. Liz should totally have won The Apprentice that year on account of her gorgeous mac.

It caught my beady eye the first time she wore it, and each episode my heart literally leaped if I caught a glimpse of said coat.

Cream with black taffetta detailing. All the essentials from the Country Classic mac but absolutely beautifully updated with Modern touches. An extra wide lapel, an additional collar panel, super-size pockets. Perfect Modern Country fashion.

I had mac-lust.

The Apprentice series finished and so, I thought, had the coat….
until the night, when lolling off to sleep, I had the sudden and thrilling thought that I might be able to find out where the mac was from on this here Internet.

I seem to recall that it was that very night that I grabbed my laptop and started frantically typing away. {Liz Apprentice mac, Liz Apprentice BBC coat, Liz cream black trench….ad nauseum} 

First of all, I managed to find a few images of Liz wearing the coat.

And then, after a number of fruitless searches, I stumbled across a forum which discussed that very item. My fellow coat-devotees were also trying to work out where Liz’s mac was from. Someone offered that they had seen the coat in Karen Millen. Off I toddled to their website. Nothing. Hmmph.
So, never one to be deterred once I’m on a mission….next stop, ebay. I decided to start off with my only clue and searched for Karen Millen trench coats.

And, knock me down with a feather, there was the very mac of Liz’s that I had been lusting after. 

In my size. Brand new. 
It turned out that it was from the previous season, hence why I couldn’t find it on the Karen Millen website. Duh! Of course!
It was a gooooooood moment! 

Anyway, to cut a long story shortish, I managed to buy the coat. It was no bargain, sadly. In fact, it cost more than it would have from Karen Millen.

But worth every single penny.
I love it. 

In fact, lots of you loved it too when I showed you this outfit from my 30 for 30 (mixing 30 pieces into 30 outfits over 30 days), back in January, when I was all of five months pregnant.

Do you remember? 

{I was definitely at that ‘Is she pregnant or has she just eaten too many pies?’ stage!}
Don’t you love it when a plan comes together?

Modern Country Style

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Apple-Samsung patent trial live blog recap: Judge urges settlement

Join Mercury News staff writer Howard Mintz as the Apple-Samsung patent trial resumes in San Jose federal court Wednesday, where Samsung will present more expert witnesses. The session began with Judge Lucy Koh saying “it’s time for peace” and urging both sides to settle their legal feud before it goes to the jury.
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