Longer Tabs (sides): 2 pieces- 25.5″ X 6.5″
Shorter Tabs (ends): 2 pieces- 3.75″ X 6.5″
Both pieces will be folded in half after they are embroidered.
Ties: 8 pieces- 1.5″ X 10″
EmbroideryThis part is optional- I just wanted a small amount of detail on my liner.
The first one I made I did a straight line with 1/2″ stitch, 1/2″ white.
The second one I did a pattern of 1/4″ stitch, 1/4″ stitch, 1/4″ stitch, then 1/2″ stitch with 1/4″ gap between each stitch. (Does that make sense?)
Place the ruler on the edge of the tab and measure 4 inches up- make the pattern you want along the whole length of all 4 tabs.

Chose embroidery thread and do a simple backstitch along the pattern you marked out. I put mine in a hoop to make it easier. If you have questions on making a backstitch this blog has a lot of info about embroidery stitches. But basically it is just following the lines.

Once the tabs are embroidered fold them in half lengthwise and press.

To Make the Ties-

Fold end over 1/4″ and press.

Fold both edges to meet in the middle and press.

Fold in half and press. Sew lengthwise down the tie.
Complete this process with all 8 ties.
Now we attach the ties to the tabs-
Turn the tabs right side in and pin tabs- unfinished end sticking out so you can see it. You want the tab to be right in the middle up and down.
See the little tab sticking out.
Sew seams together with tie in it. Do this for both edges on all tabs.

Turn Right side out and press.

Turn top edge of liner over twice towards wrong side so there is no raw edge showing. Press into place.
Pin tabs into place- right side of tab facing right side of liner. Center small tabs on liner’s seams. Once small tabs are pinned in place center longer tabs on long side of liner- with even spaces between each tab.

Once all tabs are pinned in place, sew around entire top edge, securing the tabs and the hems.
Place in tub and tie the ties in bows.

If any of this seems unclear or you have any further questions don’t hesitate to contact me and I will try my best to help answer your questions- zoer110@gmail.com.
If you don’t want to make your own and would like me to make one for you just contact me- zoer110@gmail.com.
I will be linking up with some of these parties!
Have a great day!!
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