I have a guest post from Julie coming up tomorrow and I am super excited! Here is a little bit about her so you can know what to expect!!!
Hi everyoneover in Scout's Stitches blog land!
I'mJulie from White Lights on Wednesday!

I'm Zoe's partner for Trading Blogs. I'm so happyto meet all of you.
I can't wait toshare a super yummy treat with you tomorrow!

White Lightson Wednesday is my happy place. I writewhat I know, cooking. I adore baking andcooking. Being in the kitchen makes mehappy. The sounds, the smells, thetastes. Love it! There are really so many things I love todo. I'm learning to sew, I like to thinkI'm sort of crafty, I want to become an amazing photographer, and I have a bitof a purse obsession.
I have allkinds of new fun things going on at the blog.
Sugar-CoatedSundays: Sweets for my sweet readers
MildlyCrafty Monday: Me trying not to suck at a craft project (Haha)
WednesdayWhatsits: My brand new link party that will be starting March 21st
3.6.5Thursday: Project 365 weekly review and 3, 6, or 5 things I'm currentlyobsessing over
Fridays:Yummy Food – no fancy name
NamasteSaturday: (it rhymes, hehe) Mybrilliant nutritionist aunt (who teaches yoga, get the name now?) will be sharing healthy tidbits and good for yourecipes
I'd love foryou to stop by, check things out, and maybe grab a button.
Stuff about me so we can be friends!
I have twolittle boys, Thing 1 and Thing 2. Theyare crazy and wonderful and clones of their father.
I can playmusical instruments – viola, violin, piano, harp, marimba (any malletpercussion really) and lots of other random percussion instruments
I got toopen to TOOL back in 2002. Danny Careyis wicked nice.
I was bornin California, but grew up in Arizona. Yes, it’s disgustingly hot in the summer.
My favoritecolor is red.
I'mobsessed, seriously obsessed, with freshly cleaned sheets. They are my favorite happy thing.
I write anddraw, but only for myself. I'm superprotective of my RED books.
My favoritedessert is chocolate chip cookies. Imade them once every week or two when I was pregnant with Thing 2.
To get yourtaste buds going, here are some of my most popular posts and a couple personalfavorites…

MarinatedPork Roast

Honey Pound Cake

Hot Wing Dip

Cheesy Bacon and Chicken Pasta

ChocolateWasted Cake
See you all tomorrow!!

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