Friday, August 3, 2012

Raising the next generation...of weeds

There was a middle school here.

It was built in 1966 with windows that didn’t open; a design flaw that no doubt frustrated those trapped within and also allowed a dangerous build-up of radon gas. The leaky roof, combined with lack of ventilation, encouraged the growth of toxic mold.

These factors, combined with structural problems, made the 268,899 sq-ft building too costly to repair. It came down in 2007… but will live on forever in Gus Van Sant's film Elephant.

Back in 2007 rumors about what Portland Public Schools would do with the now vacant lot circulated like wildfire through the neighborhood. However the timing was bad for any prospective development and the lot has set empty for 5 years. It has been interesting to watch the changing landscape, what first moved in, what has thrived, the fire that swept through last summer doesn't seem to have changed things much.

When walking Lila through this field I stick to the well worn pathways, danger lurks in the long grass and weeds. Maybe not real danger, but the kind you don't want to encounter in flip flops (a lot of dogs romp through here daily).

But I was curious about what else was growing here, just beyond what I could see. So this time I came prepared, with appropriate footwear and the camera…

The title of this post was inspired by this wonderful colony of thistle.

At first the purple blooms attracted me…

But then I realized what was hiding just behind…

Enough seed to, well, cover all of NE Portland!

It is beautiful…and also a little horrifying.

The next generation, I think they'll be fine.

Time to look for a little happy distraction…

Oh! Beware the wild beast. Can you see her? There on the left, Lila loves trudging through the tall weeds. A furry four legged seed dispersal device.

One of my favorite parts of this landscape it the Strawberry Tree (Arbutus unedo) planted along the western edge. Although I didn't manage to capture it's elegant form it really is a beautiful tree.

I can't imagine that anyone tends it, at least not recently…

But it lives on, looking good year round. This time of year is covered in fruit…

danger garden

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