Sunday, June 3, 2012

Nebraska Wildflowers Day 2 -- Wild Quinine

This is Nebraska wildflower week. Each day I’ll feature a native
wildflower that grows well for me in my fickle clay AND brings in
butterflies. Hopefully, you’ll find something you’ve never seen before.

To end the week, on Saturday, June 9 at 10am, I’ll be giving a presentation on Nebraska wildflowers at Finke Gardens and Nursery. And don’t forget, I do run a native prairie garden coaching business. Ahem.

Also, check out Bob Henrickson’s (NE Statewide Arboretum) fantastic advice on planting a mini prairie in your landscape.


I’m betting you’ve never heard of Parthenium integrifolium .
It’s a strong-standing perennial that doesn’t look “flowery,” but I
guarantee you’ll notice it. A June bloomer, its flower heads look like
mini cauliflowers to me. Insects certainly do visit, but for me, the
interest is in the unique blooms and how bright they are from a distance before most anything else is alight.

Wild quinine can do wet to dry soil–I have mine in medium clay, full sun. 3′ tall by 2′ wide.

Not quite open yet

T h e | D e e p | M i d d l e

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