Thursday, June 7, 2012

What I Have Been Doing

So you may have noticed that I have taken a short break from blogging.  It was not intentional, but I needed to focus my energy on other areas of my life.
Some things have changed in my life. The biggest change is that I have quit my job as a WIC Dietitian. I am not working right now and it is a different experience for me.  I have put in a few resumes and I am really excited about the opportunity to do something new in my career.
But even though I have not been working at a job, I have been very busy.
Swimming at the lake. Cross Stitching. Working in the garden. Running with my dogs. Cooking and baking. Keeping the house clean. Life is good!
I have a few recipes and projects I am looking forward to sharing soon and I hope that you all will enjoy them!!
Thanks so much for stopping by!!
Signature 2

Scout’s Stitches

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