Tuesday, June 12, 2012


No doubt you've heard the design adage that by planting multiples of the same plant you avoid chaos, but this is ridiculous…

Since I can't seem to stay home for very long these days we were off again last week, this time up to Spokane, WA, to visit my family. We took the long route and spent a night in Yakima. On the way to our hotel I noticed these planters, with their buzz cut Arborvitae, and had to stop and snap a few pictures.

Then I noticed it's not just the planters, there were circles everywhere! The ashtray…

The picnic tables…

Even part of the building was round…circles everywhere! Then I noticed this circle…

…Homeland Security! That would explain the fortress like plantings, and perhaps that's way a police car kept circling while I was taking pictures…

danger garden

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