Saturday, June 2, 2012

Nebraska Wildflowers -- Baptisia

This is Nebraska wildflower week. Each day I’ll feature a native wildflower that grows well for me in my fickle clay AND brings in butterflies. Hopefully, you’ll find something you’ve never seen before.

To end the week, on Saturday, June 9 at 10am, I’ll be giving a presentation on Nebraska wildflowers at Finke Gardens and Nursery. And don’t forget, I do run a native prairie garden coaching business. Ahem.

Also, check out Bob Henrickson’s (NE Statewide Arboretum) fantastic advice on planting a mini prairie in your landscape.


Baptisia australis is the species name of a shrub-forming perennial legume. It gets long tap roots so hates being moved, but this also makes it very drought tolerant. I have several cultivars, as well as the species, up on a small incline competing with red cedar roots in clay soil–and the baptisia thrive. I also have many butterfly eggs dotting the leaves right now, but I’m not sure which species of butterfly it is, however, someone sure like& #115; it as a host plant. Maybe sulphurs?

Carolina Moonlight

The flowers bloom in May–this year early May, but usually mid to late May. It’s a favorite of early bumblebees, and I had 10 queens on a baptisia at once this May. A key nectar source as bees establish nests, and then as a host plant for butterflies like several kinds of sulphurs. The seed pods turn black in fall and make lovely baby rattles, or just provide winter interest. Baptisia likes sun but can take some shade, but you’ll likely sacrific e some blooms. 3′ tall and wide.

Moonlight on right, Twilight under bald cypress on left
Twilight Prairie Blues

T h e | D e e p | M i d d l e

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