Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Cottage Garden Journal

 A Garden Stroll 


Favorite Color Combinations

Gardening has been a challenge this summer for many of us. With the extreme 
heat, heavy rains or no rain at all, we face weeds, insects and disease.  The La Marne
 rose is beginning another flush of flowers – they bloom nicely throughout the spring, 
summer, and fall.

Sadly, some of my plants have succumbed to one or more of the above. Happily, 
there are some that are thriving. I am very happy to see the Coneflowers, Blackeye 
Susans and the Daisies.

The Morning Glory is doing nicely, the bees are still enjoying its pollen.
Earlier in the spring I planted annuals in the planters at the front of the house - 
I chose leaf and flower colors that I thought would complement the house colors. 
I was hoping we’d have our awnings painted -a  burgundy-red – by now, but other
 things have taken priority.

The plants I put in the planters were: Rambling Burgundy Chrome Petunia; Iresine ‘Purple Lady’; and Sidekick Sweet Potato. There are hibiscus already there – they grew back from the root and have yet to bloom. When they do, they should be red. My husband is very pleased with this plant color combination.

The Dahlias that I received last summer as a gift from our home church  are
 beginning to bloom – I love their bright, big sunny blooms.

This sweet little rose is still blooming – I am so very happy to see its full, fragrant and 
very tiny blossoms. It is a very delicate rose and one whose identity is a mystery to me. 
I planted these pink petunias in a pot I spray painted blue, along with the table that is
 next to the old rocker. The rocker’s seat has been long gone, so I decided to plant the 
flowers in the seat. I love whimsical touches.
The statue’s painted, white exterior is holding up very nicely.
 I used a water-repelling masonry paint last summer.

Some of my new favorites are the colochia or million bells flowers  - in a lovely array 
of colors they’re like little prolific petunias cascading over the pots. I hope your garden
 is faring well this summer, I am beginning to wish for the cooler  days of the fall weather.
 There’s so much to enjoy with each season.
I will be sharing this post with these Delightsome blog parties:
Cottage Flora Thursday @ Fishtail Cottage
Bloom Day @ May Dreams Gardens
Feathered Nest Friday @ French Country Cottage
Inspiration Friday @ The Picket Fence
Show and Tell Friday @ My Romantic Home
Vintage Inspiration Friday @ Common Ground
Outdoor Wednesday @ A Southern Daydreamer

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A Delightsome Life

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