Friday, July 6, 2012

Summers in Georgia

Summer Thunderstorms, The Garden and Crape Myrtles

The wind is dancing around in my garden causing the bushes and the trees to sway to the music of the distant thunder. I’d better hurry! We’re in a pattern here – which I respect and don’t mind. With the thick, heavy heat the possibility of an afternoon thunderstorm is great. 

We returned home late last night to discover this large branch in our back yard. It
wasn’t until I walked around looking up at the trees that I discovered where it came from. One of the Pecan trees at the bottom of the yard lost a top branch. It must have flipped over because the broken end was facing away from the tree. 

We have removed Pecan trees and a Magnolia tree that were too close to hour house – they have a tendency once reaching a certain size to lose limbs or to split.
I wanted to take a look at what has survived our extreme heat. A lot of the plants have burned – not too many flowers at the moment. The saving grace in my garden are the Crape Myrtles that are just beginning to open their buds.

The flowers in the planters are performing beautifully. The Hibiscus has yet to produce a bloom, it did, however, grow back from the roots after overwintering in the planters – so I am very hopeful. 

The beginnings of a dream are coming about – the Purple Coneflower and the Blackeye susan are blooming – still very young plants – I hope they multiply in the next few years.

Daylilies, roses and Crape Myrtle are the mainstays in the summer in our hot, Southern garden. I am learning and taking note of what does like to live here and what wilts  - hopefully to create the overall dream of a Cottage Garden - 

This sweet little angel is one of my new friends – I like having places for
 birds to enjoy water, andwe needed a birdbath on the East side of the house.
I am considering painting him soon.

I am sharing this post with 
Pink Saturday
Cottage Garden Thursday
Outdoor Wednesday

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A Delightsome Life

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