Monday, July 9, 2012

Where Have All The Normal Summers Gone, Paula Cole??

Every year the garden is different–though maybe you don’t think so. Obviously, everyone’s gardens are ahead of schedule; shoot, a few weeks ago I had asters blooming, and some eupatorium is just starting to flower a good two months early. Swamp milkweed bloomed in early June and never got pollinated. How do insects cope with this new cycle? I have seen fewer insects t 4;is summer–maybe I’m used to my garden blooming later (on time) when there are more insects, or maybe it’s just a bad insect year. Or both. I suspect everything is out of sync.

Here’s how I got myself in trouble this year, seeing my garden so distorted and unusual (with current. gratuitous garden images tossed in):

1) I pinched back a lot of things this spring, often too late. Every year I try to pinch earlier in spring, but get gun shy. I was earlier this year than last, but still so late that things are top heavy now and flopping all over the place. Next year I’ll pinch in early April.

2) I wonder if the pinching is making things bloom earlier, or if in conjunction with the early warmth, they’re blooming early anyway. Maybe the two, pinching and warmth, are a perfect storm. I wonder why plants are shorter and not as thick this year (dry spring?). I wonder if I’ll have ANYTHING blooming in September and October, especially since I garden with fall at the front of my mind.

Cones, milkweed, monarda, wild quinine, ironweed

3) I need to divide perennials or just let them die off. I’m inclined to the latter, since much is self sowing now and the garden is making itself into what it wants. Still, I’m a gardener, and I want everything in its place
where I planted it. A conflict of interest for a “leave nature alone” kind of guy.

4) I have a ‘Tiger Eyes’ sumac that never leafed out fully this year (see pic #1). It just sits there in perpetual May 1 mode, looking bonsai.

5) It’s muggier and hotter than normal, much earlier than normal. I know that in a usual August certain plants will always show significant stress, but with it so soupy and hot now, will certain trees and shrubs just cash in early? This summer will be far far far too long for some plants.

Sullivant’s Milkweed

6) I’ve watered the trees and garden twice now. I usually water once in August. I designed the garden to use very minimal water but it’s not minimal enough for some of the larger, woody plants.

T h e | D e e p | M i d d l e

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