Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Cottage Garden

A Garden Walk

I love to see bees busily gathering pollen in my garden – I hope they belong to the bee hives
my neighbor has – he produces the best honey

Do you
ever wish you could be in several places at once? I have been so busy with
other things that I have not been able to visit and to tend my garden. I will
have to dedicate certain portions of the day specifically to the care of the
garden – the weather is heating up and despite the lovely rain – the ground
gets dry quickly.

the lavender and roses are in bloom

this – there are some hearty plants thriving in the garden this mid-May. I have
so many plans and dreams as to how I wish the garden to be – I can just imagine
the line of hydrangeas intermixed with Bridal Wreath Spirea – more perennials and
a cutting garden to begin with – I love bringing flowers indoors – but it seems
so hard to choose which one – seeming to deprive the garden of its beautiful

I am really captivated by the Million Bells flowers -

this walk, these are the flowers that lifted their faces heavenward to greet

I love the color of the Geranium with the purple Million Bells
I am pleased this little rose bush is doing o.k. despite the powdery mildew that has attacked it

I love the buttery color of this Daylily

I planted these sweet pink Petunias in a pot in the seat of an old rocker –
I hope it spills over with abundance

in the five front planters the flowers are beginning to fill in.
The annual Hibiscus overwintered well in each planter and should produce blooms soon

I have noted that in a number of the old home’s gardens in this town that certain plants
are very common – Milk and Wine Lilies or Crinum are among those flowers

My Brother-in-Law has a stand in the Pee Dee Farmer’s Market in SC – he gave this
perennial Hibiscus to me this past weekend – I need to find it a home
I love the combination of Daisies, Black-Eye Susans alongside Purple Coneflower – these are
among the list of changes I plan to make in the garden.
this is one of the last of the sweet mystery roses on this shrub – I hope it will have a
second flush of blooms after it is dead-headed.

the Oakleaf Hydrangea’s blossoms are already starting to turn colors and to dry out on the bush
Thank you for sharing this garden walk with me. I am hoping we will have an afternoon Thundershower – we unfortunately at times seem to be in a bubble where the storms fizzle out….I have perpetual hope each afternoon.

I am sharing this post with these Delightsome blog parties:

Outdoor Wednesday
Cottage Flora Thursday

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A Delightsome Life

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