Monday, May 28, 2012

Girls' Bedroom: My Favourite White Paint

It’s always a slippery little monkey deciding 
which white to choose to go with a particular wall colour, 
don’t you find? 

Some prefer using off-whites.
Some prefer using a version Pure Brilliant White.

Not me.
No, siree.
My choice is to use Dulux White.
Well, I say ‘my choice‘, what I mean is my mum’s!! 
Yes, this is a fantastic tip that has been passed down from mother to daughter 
(as all the best tips are…!)…
and now I can pass it on to you.

I’ve used it in every room we’ve decorated to create the connection between spaces that I find makes a home feel so much more of a harmonious whole.

You sometimes have to rummage about a bit on shop shelves 
to avoid the glare of Pure Brilliant White 
and unearth a can of plain old Dulux White 
but the results are well worth it.

It’s useful to consider what your chosen ‘white’ colour will fade to, 
as, unless you like to repaint every year, that faded version will be 
the colour you’ll be living with the majority of the time
…and *not* the brand new sparkliness of a fresh coat of gloss.

Pure Brilliant White tends to age to grey.
{a bit too Modern…}
Off-white can age to become rather darker than I personally like.
{a bit too Country}

But Dulux White ages to a lovely, gentle white….
Modern Country Style at it’s best:
 contrast and warmth}

..and here it is looking rather brighter and newer, 
now that it’s been repainted as part of 
our Gorgeous Girls’ Bedroom Makeover…

(the two wall colours are Farrow and Ball Hay 
and Farrrow and Ball Middleton Pink…
if you’d like to see more images of these colours 
then just click on the links)

Now, if there’s anything a girl needs to feel right at home in her bedroom then it has to be a gorgeous bed, right?

Guess what’s coming up?

All images: Mine

Modern Country Style

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