Thursday, May 24, 2012

Yummy Desert In A Jiffy...

Today, my scrumptiousses, I’m going to share with you one of my favourite ever puddings. Yes, I’m having a one-post break from the Girls’ Bedroom extravaganza to join in with lovely Jane from Adventures In Dinner, who has organised this fab 
30 Minute Fixes series:

So here is my desert in a jiffy.
It’s yummy. It’s easy. It’s quick.
{Could life get any better?}

All you need is:

Greek Yogurt
Summer Fruits
A glass

This is how you make it:

Dollop a small amount of Greek yogurt into the bottom of your glass.
Add a layer of fruit.
And another layer of yogurt.
Then a sprinkling of muesli.

And you’re done.
Now let the scoffing begin…

Of course, you can use a taller glass than I have, 
in which case, simply add more layers.

This is DELICIOUS – and perfect for hot summer nights, like tonight. 
In fact, I’m just going to sit in the garden and eat mine right now…

Care to join me?

{NB: I’m afraid plenty of Greek Yogurt loveliness 
was harmed in the making of this pudding…!}

Now it’s your turn… 
what is your perfect 
Desert In A Jiffy?

Modern Country Style

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