Friday, April 27, 2012

Children's Bedrooms: Flooring Inspiration

Flooring can make or break a room. 
It’s such an easy aspect to overlook but leaving tatty old carpet down while you spruce up the rest of the room is a bit like leaving one of the walls undecorated. When we decorate a room, I always try to do the whole shabang and not leave bits and pieces of extra work trailing around for years. 

So, flooring-wise, here’s what I narrowed our choices down to:



Painted floorboards:

Via Marie Claire

Wooden flooring:

Via Something Hiding In There

I bypassed natural flooring like sisal and jute because although they look gorrrrrgeous initially, they stain pretty easily and don’t react well to the wet. 
{If I could have a pound for each time I’ve had to mop up what shall be vaguely termed ‘spillages’ in my children’s bedrooms then I’d be a very rich lady…}

Which leads me onto my main point….

When decorating children’s rooms, it’s so easy to be sucked in by what looks great on the page of a catalogue…BUT BUT BUT what really counts is how good it’ll look in YOUR home….a year or two down the line…..

Fancy-shmancy options will look fab for a little while but I want our rooms to look great when they’re well-lived in.

Is that too much too ask?

Modern Country Style

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