Friday, April 13, 2012

Home and Garden Thursday

The Edible

My neighbor’s restored home and garden
2nd Thursday – Gardening:

Although I have
quite a large garden, I have very little ground area that receives enough sun
to accommodate growing fruits and vegetables. Therefore, I have to be creative.

I have
incorporated a number of vegetables into the perennial garden beds – a number
of vegetables are quite ornamental and lend themselves quite well to the garden

an example of flowers and vegetables growing together

There are
various ways to incorporate vegetables – you can use pots, raised beds,
planters and supports – especially for peas, beans, cucumbers and such. The height
added by the support for the climbing vegetable plant can be quite decorative.

I am excited
to try  a few new vegetables in my
garden this year.

Mercantile has given me the opportunity to try out some of their
Kitazawa oriental seeds! I am thrilled. There is nothing better than to fresh home-grown
vegetables and fruits.

I have been
Sugar Peas –
Taichung 13
from this
to this

bunching onions – Red Beard

Edible White
Leaf Amaranth
Swiss Chard –
Magenta Sunset
Sword Bean –
Arugula –

I am looking
forward to reaping the fruits of these wonderful plants.
In my garden,
I have limited space that is ideal to grow vegetables. Living in the south I
also have to contend with conditions of late afternoon sun and humidity.
Ideally, vegetables require six hours of sun – eight is best. For me I need to
locate my plants where they'll receive filtered afternoon shade.

To accomplish
this – I am planting my vegetables amongst my flowers.
There are
several kinds of vegetables and herbs that lend themselves well to
with your flower garden. I will also use pots that will enable me to create the
right soil environment and allow me to move them about if needed.

The soil is
one of the most important parts of growing fruits and vegetables.

The most
important thing to know is that your soil must drain well. Vegetables need air
and good drainage. If their roots become waterlogged the plant will suffer.

my friend’s organic fruit and vegetable garden – marvelous

The less
stress your annual vegetable has – good soil, good pH, good drainage and the
right location – the better they will grow and produce for you.

Dovecoat built to replicate what once stood on this land’s estate
Have you visited Kaufmann Mercantile? You will find an interesting assortment of hand-crafted items – I have my eye on these Japanese Gardening Tools. 

Additional Resources:

Designing Edible Gardens 
Growing Vegetables and Flowers in Harmony 
Interplanting Flowers and Herbs 

Guidelines for H and GT Party:

A Delightsome Life

1.  Be a follower of A Delightsome Life through GFC, Email, Feedburner or other Social networks.
2.  Please text link back to ADL or post the Party Button, so that your readers can join in/or find the other participants.
3.  Home and Garden Thursday encompasses everything! You may link up and share your DIY, home décor, furniture refinishing, paint projects, craft projects, thrifty finds, gardening tips and photos, your recipes – anything Home and Garden related. Share your favorite post of the previous week!
4.  Please link the URL specific to the post you are sharing – not your blog's URL.
5.  Please visit other guests, just as you would at any other party, leave some comments and perhaps make a few new friends!

On Wednesday morning, I will post features from the previous week – two of my favorite and two reader's favorites.
The H and GT Party post will be published each Wednesday evening at 6:00 EST using Inlinkz.

A Delightsome Life
Home and Garden Thursday
Post schedule will be:
1st Thursday – Home Décor
2nd Thursday – Garden 
3rd Thursday – Thrifting or Crafting
4th Thursday – Recipe or cooking tips
5th Thursday – Anything Goes

I look forward to seeing your inspiring posts!

I am joining these other Delightsome  blog parties:

Open House Party Thursday @ No Minimalist Here

Air Your Laundry Friday @ The Freckled Laundry
Feathered Nest Friday @ French Country Cottage
Home Sweet Home @ The Charm of Home 
Inspiration Friday @ At The Picket Fence
Potpourri Friday@2805
Show and Tell Friday @ My Romantic Home
Vintage Inspiration Friday @ Common Ground
Fridays Unfolded @ Stuff and Nonsense
Seasonal Sundays @ The Tablescaper
Sunday Showcase @ Under the Table and Dreaming

I am also hosting a wonderful giveaway!
Just in time for gardening
Miracle-Gro Expand ‘n Gro Concentrated Planting Mix
Giveaway ends Friday, April 13

Enter HERE

Follow me on Pinterest!


A Delightsome Life

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