Thursday, April 12, 2012

♥♥ More Valentines Day stuff! ♥♥

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We’ve got ♥♥ HEARTS ♥♥ all over the place

during the month of February!

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Pancakes for the Princess…note those A-D-O-R-A-B-L-E puppy pjs!

(no, I didn’t make them, but I wish I had)

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I tried making heart shaped bread with my Pampered Chef loaf pan.

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The results were less than stellar & not photo worthy

…tasted good, though!

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I made an 1950′s Jell-O molded salad

recipe with pineapple & cream cheese.

I found it on Pattycakes in the Kitchen &

it was everything I remembered.


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Have you tried these shaped marshmallows?

Such fun!

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Had to put them in a pretty little jar, too!

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I thought these pretty PINK Jordan candies

(JoAnn’s wedding supply section)

would fit into the scheme of things.

This would also be great for October &

Breast Cancer Awareness month.

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I filled another jar with more of the darling cupcake liners.

Such a festive & inexpensive decorating idea!

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I saw Martha Stewart use her shredder to make

mounds of crinkled stuffing out of used

tissue paper.

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I could just cry when I think of all the pretty wrinkled tissue papers
I’ve thrown away over the years.
Why didn’t I ever think of this??

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I shredded some to go beneath my stash

of Chocolate ♥♥♥‘s.

I saw on Pinterest where someone had sewn

paper doily hearts together with a wee bit

of candy tucked inside.


So I had to make some for the Princess…

she was royally pleased & shared them with her little girlfriends.

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I added a butterfly to my metal card holder.
It was attached to one of my
birthday cards.
Motherrrr, you never throw anything away!”

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I made the grandkids a batch of Rice Krispie Treats

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Jazzed them up a bit by spreading melted

chocolate chips along one side &

shaped sprinkles for effect.

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I worked on perfecting my cake decorating skills

on some cupcakes.

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The ones that had a mounded top to them,

I just sliced it off, cut out a ♥ shaped &

put LOTS of icing on before resetting the cut out top.

(saw that idea on Pinterest, too)

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I filled the liners 1/3 full with white cake batter,

then used paste coloring to tint the rest of the batter PINK!

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I love seeing that marbled effect!!

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End result looked like this!

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I had to set them outside in the snow to get a decent picture,

it has been so dark & gloomy around here.

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We’ve got ♥♥ hearts ♥♥ EVERYWHERE!!

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(another idea from Pinterest…using pedicure foams to keep bobbins under control)

Thanks for stopping by to see whats going on at

The Gazebo House.



I’ll be joining Susan at Between Naps on the Porch

The Tablescaper for Seasonal Sunday,

Designs by Gollum for Foodie Friday &

Marty at A Stroll Thru Life for

Table Top Tuesday.

The Gazebo House

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