Monday, April 9, 2012

Day 29: Pancake Recipe!!

 Jacket: Next, Jumper: Crave Maternity, Jeans: Crave Maternity, Boots: Clarks, Belt: Next
I hope you know that today is officially Pancake Day in England. There are only a few formal recipes that I know off-by-heart from my mother and pancakes is one of them. So here’s the way I ALWAYS cook my pancakes (and let me tell you, I’ve had it said of me that I am THE pancake queen. Yes, not just & #97;ny old Pancake Queen. The. Big title…)

Here’s the lowdown…

Yummiest Pancake Recipe
100g plain flour
1 egg
1 tablespoon salted butter
1/2 pint milk
(This is meant to make enough for 8 but I cook 5 times this for the 6 of us. Greedy? Too right!!)

Mix them all together (adding the milk slowly as you whisk), then cook up a storm in your kitchen. Add your topping(s) of choice (mine are sugar and golden syrup…I know, I know…I’m blushing as I type!!) and relish in your incredibly gorgeous new-found pancake-cooking abilities.

Oh, and love me forever.


Modern Country Style

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