Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Go Go Gadget Grow Lights

My wife helped me reorganize the closet under the stairs so I could fit in a grow station. It’s my first ever. I’ve two shelves, with one to expand on, two T5 lights at 6400K, heat pads, timer, and fan. Even soil-less potting soil. Hopefully, in a few weeks I’ll some native perennial seedlings to hand out at Lincoln’s Earth Day, where my garden coaching business will be (coneflowers, aster, goldenrod, liatris, milkweed). A& #108;so may start some veg–I’m virginal with that, too.

So, grade me on a scale of 1-10: 1 it’s ugly and won’t work and I think you stink at gardening (you’re mother was a hamster and smelt of elderberries), and 10 it’s awesome and makes me want to strip naked howling through the streets in joy for you and all creation glory be amen.

T h e | D e e p | M i d d l e

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