Sunday, April 1, 2012

Talking Plants, Live

As part of Finke Garden’s 2012 opening, I’ll be giving a talk on some local prairie plants that work for me, and maybe doing a little reading / signing of my garden memoir Sleep, Creep, Leap. There will be art and poetry, too, as well as plants to buy and a NE guide to wildflowers book. For the full list of events, click on the link below.

Our Lives With Nebraska Wildflowers
Finke Gardens
500 N. 66th St. 
Lincoln, NE
Thursday, March 22

And in case you don’t stalk me, here’s my pictorial spread (ooolala) on Fine Gardening’s blog.

Also have a guest post / story up for Timber Press about being on a garden tour last year.

T h e | D e e p | M i d d l e

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