Sunday, April 8, 2012

30 For 30 Outfit Summary

Hello rabbits,

It’s FRIDAY!! 

I’m putting all 30 outfits from my 30 for 30 into one post so you don’t have to trawl through pages and pages, trying to find the outfit your searching for.

And there they all are. 
30 outfits, 
over 30 days, 
using 30 different pieces. 

{All you eagle-eyes out there will have spotted that there are only twenty’five photos. That’s cos we didn’t take photos on five of the days…but I did still wear different outfits. Honest!}

So, what’s coming up next? 
Well, we’ll be diving right in to a mix of
 inspiring interiors, 
the next steps of our Edwardian renovation, 
awesome craft projects, 
fashion favourites, 

and masses and masses of
Modern Country Style.

Modern Country Style

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