Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Day 25: What Makes An Outfit?

 Jacket: New Look, Shirt: TM Lewin, Jeans: Blossom, Boots: Nine West
Well, sweet peas, how are you getting on?
Are you pimping your wardrobe with pride?
{You soooooo know you want to.}

Pimp Your Wardrobe Mission 3:
Start choosing outfits

Yes, outfits. Next time you get dressed, don’t just pick individual items…pull out an outfit. Think how the different pieces go together…or how you could make them work together.

Think colour. Think style. Think shape.
More on these to come…

For outfit 25 (can you believe we’re nearly there with the 30 for 30 clothes?), I like the way the cuffs of my shirt come around the sleeves of the jacket. It’s little details like that that help make it an outfit rather than a bitty collection of clothes thrown together.
{And, just for clarification, they’re called outfits. Not costumes. 
Not ever costumes. Yes, Guy, you know I’m talking to you.}

Modern Country Style

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