Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Day 26: Pick Your Style With Intention

Jacket: New Look, Dress: Blossom, Earrings: Wild Acre Designs, Bangle: Primark 

Day 26, Day 26!! Only 4 more days of 30 for 30 Clothes until I get to wear OTHER pretty things. I. Cannot. Wait.. I have enjoyed this so much but, let me tell you, my other clothes are seriously calling to me in their sexy-siren voices every time I open my wardrobe. Quite overwhelming to be spoken to in such a fashion so earl y in the morning. 

On Day 31, I am going to have a serious clothes showdown. I’ll be changing my outfit every two minutes just because I CAN. Oh yesssssss. The powwweeeeeeerrrrrrrr….

But what this taking 30 items and remixing them every day for 30 days has forced me to do better is to think of the specific look I want for that day and make the pieces I pick out to work for me. Rather than wearing any old combination.

For example, today I love this Modern Country outfit. Taking this gorgeous prairie style maxi dress, so pretty and so country. But then pairing it with a boyfriend jacket and a big, chunky bangle takes it to the modern edge.
 Modern Country Clothes…I love ‘em!

So that’s the Pimp your Wardrobe challenge for today. Consciously decide on the look you want for the day, and THEN choose your clothes. Go on, see if you don’t love it…
Have a WONDERFUL weekend.
See you Monday…or before if you’ve joined me
for a chat over on Facebook!

I’m joining Between Naps at the Porch!

Modern Country Style

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