Friday, April 6, 2012

Macro Orcam

I recently did two things against advice I received: 1) bought a 15x 70mm binoculars and 2) at Christmas asked for and received a 25mm Canon SLR lens tube extender. I’m pleased with both, since I can now see birds much further away (and into neighbor’s windows) with the former, and the latter produces such images as the below (click on to expand):

Marble in garden gate

River Birch

Copper bird feeder
Invasive rush

I do need to take these macro shots with a tripod, even on a still day–the images would be crisper, and I’d be less dizzy. I suspect a macro lens would require less fine tuning and hand holding–I’m still trying to figure out aperture and f-stops–but I’m having a good time, especially as it’s in the 50s.

T h e | D e e p | M i d d l e

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